The COVID-19 pandemic has created new challenges for educators, families and students across the nation. The WVPEC expresses our deepest thanks to educators, parents, caregivers and families for all they have done, and continue to do, to reinvent education for our students during these unprecedented times. We hope the resources below help you to keep virtual learning engaging and exciting!
Educators across the state have had to adapt rapidly to a new, online-only learning
environment. Staying home from school doesn't mean learning has to stop.
The WVPEC has gathered resources to help educators keep students on track
while they study from home.
Educators and Families
Now more than ever, parents and teachers need reliable digital resources to help
with learning from home. These resources will help educators and families
keep students engaged and entertained, excited about STEM, and exploring
entrepreneurial and innovative thinking.
Parents and Families
Many families are getting their first taste of homeschool education with pandemic-related closures.
These WVPEC curated resources will help parents and families maintain a safe
and stress-free learning environment for their students.