Lewis County Schools Remote Tutoring Program
Remote tutorials for students and parents
Remote tutorials for students and parents
Lowest performing students and those who experienced learning loss attributed to Covid -19.
Lewis County Schools will implement a two-tiered remote tutoring program to reach the lowest achieving elementary students and their parents or guardians. Live tutors will provide direct tutoring sessions to the students, followed by caregiver consultation regarding home reading activities customized to the specific difficulties their children are experiencing. The highest-need rising kindergarten students will be selected using the iReady assessment. Readiness kits containing reading materials, suggested activities and parent guidelines will be distributed in the summer to students entering kindergarten in the fall.
The tutors themselves will be elementary school teachers or retired teachers. It is expected that 95% of students participating in the tutoring program will move from Tier III to Tier II on the iReady assessment.
Collaborative Partners: Lewis County Schools, Jane Lew, Peterson Central, Leading Creek, Roanoke Elementary Schools, elementary school teachers, or retired teachers.
Funded by the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation.